Friday, July 29, 2011

Teachings on the Six Bardos -- 六度中陰解脫教法

Starting this August, Ven. Lama Drimed Rinpoche will present a series of instruction on the Six Bardos based on the text entitled “The Profound Dharma of the Natural Liberation through Contemplating the Peaceful and Wrathful: Stage of Completion Instructions on the Six Bardos”. The text was dictated by Guru Padmasambhava to his consort, Yeshe Tsogyal, who then transcribed for the master to conceal in a cave and be rediscovered in the 14th century by terton Karma Lingpa. Rinpoche emphasized that, “As a practitioner, you may receive teachings and engage in various practices through out your life as a Buddhist. To familiarize oneself with the practice of the Six Bardos, however, is the most crucial and has the most direct impact in determining one’s future state of existence. It is as basic and important as finding the correct way according to an authentic map to reach your intended destination.”

During the upcoming series of Bardos teaching, Rinpoche will provide detailed explanations to the complete processes of the six Bardos according to the traditional curriculum offered in Larong Five-Science Academy.  The characteristics, experiences or appearances, and the relevant practice in response to each stage of the six Bardos – the Six Transitional Process of Living, Dreaming, Meditative Stabilization, Dying, the Nature of Reality, and Becoming, will be introduced in its entirety. Knowing that intellectual understanding along would not bring true benefit to the practitioners, His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche used to couple his lectures with performance acting to enhance practitioners’ comprehension and memorization. Lama Drimed Rinpoche will also lead participants in actual practices of Shamatha (calm-abiding), Vipassana (insight) meditation, and Phowa (Transference of Consciousness).

For those who are limited by geographical distance and unable to attend, you are welcome to watch our live video broadcast by visiting, click on Teachings tab and select Live Stream Teachings link.

Reference: Natural Liberation – Padmasambhava’s Teachings on the Six Bardos (Commentary by Gyatrul Rinpoche; Translated by B.  Alan Wallace)

自八月份起, 喇嘛智美仁波切將傳講一系列六度中陰解脫教法. 這部寧瑪派之巖藏法乃根據蓮花生大士口述, 由耶喜措嘉佛母撰寫後經蓮師伏藏於巖洞中, 直至十四世紀時才為伏藏大師噶瑪鈴巴所取出. 法本原名為“藉思憶靜忿尊自然解脫甚深法又或名六種中有過程完成次第教法”. 仁波切強調, “作為一名佛教修行人, 我們ㄧ生中會聽聞及實修許多教法, 但最為基礎也至關重要的則是熟悉中陰的教法與修法, 因其對行者下一世的投生狀態有關鍵性的影響, 就像必須依循地圖指引正確的道路才能到達目的地一樣.”

在這一系列中陰教法中, 仁波切將依照五明佛學院傳統之教授方式, 將六個中有過程完整詳述生命中有, 夢境中有, 禪修穩定中有, 死亡中有, 法性中有, 及受生中有各個階段的特徵, 境相, 及對治之修法, 如前行, 生圓次第, 睡夢瑜珈, 頗瓦法, 止觀禪定修法, 及大圓滿法等, 將會詳細解說並配合帶領實修. 過去, 如意寶晉美彭措法王深知光是根據文字理解不足以真正利益行者, 因此除了講述教法之外必定配合戲劇表演方式將中陰過程實際演出, 幫助行者產生近似切身經驗, 從而得到深刻體認並銘記在心. 喇嘛智美仁波切也將於授課過程中實際指導止觀禪修及頗瓦遷識法.

居住偏遠不克參加者, 歡迎觀看教學即時轉播, 點選Teachings -> Live Stream Teachings 即可觀賞.

中文參考書: “密宗大解脫法”(蓮花生大士原著, 嘉初仁波切講述, 楊弦/丁乃筠中譯)
英文參考書:   Natural Liberation – Padmasambhava’s Teachings on the Six Bardos (Commentary by Gyatrul Rinpoche; Translated by B.  Alan Wallace)